Love The Path of Least Resistance

Love… It means something different to each person who practices it. It is a word either easily thrown around or never used. For some they enjoy giving it away, for some it is locked behind bars for fear of being exposed. When we say we love someone what are we truly saying? Can we say we love one another in the depths of despair or only when we experience joy? Joy and love are siblings, so very close to one another. Where you find joy you’ll find love. It is easy to love the loveable. It is easy to love when things are good and perfect. It is easy to give when we are receiving. But the true test of love is this…

Can we still love when it is not easy?

Can we still love when circumstances or behavior are unlovable?

Can we still love without expecting something in return?

For if we only love during perfect conditions, can we still call it love?

Love in all its fullness and perfection has no conditions. It doesn’t love sometimes or when times are favorable. It loves always. It continues to give more of what the unlovable need the most, MORE love. For what reward is there in love… To GIVE means to receive.

Sometimes loving when we don’t FEEL like it means digging deep into our inner most core. To dig so deep and see the other just as we are, a soul, a being in need of love. The cure for bad behavior isn’t control, it is love. It is recognizing your wholeness and the other person’s. It is recognizing that you are no better nor worse than them. But that you essentially are ONE. And that whatever you do to them, you have done to yourself.

Today’s assignment is to chose a situation in your life In which you do not see or feel love. Open your mind and ask the Universe, God, whatever, to SHOW you love. Be honest. Confess that you do not see love but that you are WILLING to see love, to see the LIGHT in the person or circumstance. Every time a negative thought comes back bring your attention back. Restore your focus to love. Choose to see love. Focus on the good that person brings into your life, instead of the things you don’t like. If you honestly cannot see good, secretly and privately bless this person… As the blessing will return back to you and you will be blessed and restored. By offering love, we receive love. By restoring healing, we are then healed. Through this circle of giving and receiving of love, we are made whole.

Be blessed this day and choose love

Published by

Down To Earth Counseling

Jacqueline Montero has studied psychology and counseling since 2013 when she started he first job as a Mental Health Counselor for elder individuals with severe mental illness in a residential facility. Jacqueline soon became a mother of 3 and spent time at home creating a LifeCoaching Business online for 3 years until she went through a divorce and started her career as a Substance Abuse Counselor. It was then she recognized her passion----and her tribe. Jacqueline became a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC) and obtained her Master's Degree in Addiction Counseling. Jacqueline has published blogs formally known as "The Traveling Mom" and a personal biography on living with Hypothyroidism on Amazon, "The Hypothyroid Mother". Jacqueline has created a Behavioral Health Program for a Young Adult shelter that allowed youth, ages 18-24, to obtain mental health services, substance abuse counseling and permanent supportive housing eligibility. Jacqueline is now working towards her License in Mental Health Counseling and currently works as a Program Supervisor for PACT, working with at-risk families. Her passion and purpose is to spend her day making a difference and facilitating healing for others.

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